The way to resolve this is to use some of the functionality available in the expression editor. I have used the following expression to handle NAN and INFINITY which worked perferctly fine. For our Filter Expression we want to create a filtering 21 de jan. So if the expression evaluates to false, the tablix will be shown.

Ndlovu Experienced business intelligence (BI) developers would tell you that as you move from one project to another, some requirements start becoming repetitive like you have dealt with them before. Expressions, which provides an improved implementation of the functionality that was covered here. Filters and Visibility are two ways of filtering and hiding data you don’t need to show to the end user. In this case, you've created specific tables or charts in the report that force a page break at the beginning of the object, and you want the user to be able to quickly navigate to that section. The SSRS will send the following string to the query 'Israel, England, Spain'. de 2014 However, we see a different behavior when other expressions or a more complex filter condition are present.

Step 2: On your Dataset, right click the dataset name and go to dataset properties Click on filter In the filter expression value choose your field Choose In as the operator In the parameter field choose This has to be filtered at the dataset and not on the table. Ssrs filter expression Value,”,”) You can see that the expression first uses a join function to make the parameter object as a comma Open your dataset properties and change the operator on your filter from an equals sign ‘=’ to the word ‘in.